參考資料: 1. 香港中文大學肝臟護理中心: 嚴重肝病飲食建議:熱量、蛋白質和BCAA. Available at: https://livercenter.com.hk/... . Accessed: 27 Jan 2023. 2. Zhang, Z. Y., Monleon, D., Verhamme, P., & Staessen, J. A. (2018). Branched-chain amino acids as critical switches in health and disease. Hypertension, 72(5), 1012-1022. 3. Absolute Health: The benefits Liver Detoxification and its function as Cellular Antioxidant. Available at: https://absolute-health.org/.... Accessed: 27 Jan 2023. 4. Harvard School of Public Health. Nutrition and immunity. Available at: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutr.... Accessed: 18 Apr 2023.